翻译|曹学燕 审核|张驰
1.What is a “knowledge labor”?
Knowledge of knowledge itself is an important source of productivity. Castells said in The rise of Network society. With the development of information capitalization, a new model of work is emerging—knowledge labor.
The knowledge labor working hours are more flexible and free, the workplace is no longer fixed, spreading to globalization, and the most important point is that knowledge labor provides immaterial labor.
In how to think about information, Dan Schiller combines knowledge labors with pay and markets, and pides them into four categories through different pay and market conditions.
The knowledge labors of the network era have more types on this basis: net-worker, flex-timer, permatemp, precariat, crowdsourcing, etc.
The changes Network brings are not only formalistic, it even makes a part of knowledge labors’ working demands from money to a self-fulfilling spiritual happiness, they pay more attention to share and disseminate.
2.The development of YYeTs
Subtitle group refers to the non-profit organizations that subtitle translation and production of overseas film and TV dramas by means of network and digital technology, and disseminate them through Internet means.
With the development of Internet technology, the transmission of film and television resources has become more convenient, and people's demand for the localization of other countries' film and television resources has increased, so the subtitle group has grown up on this basis.
YYeTs originated from the domestic film and television resources BBS -- "YY film and music leisure center" BBS bbs.zingking.com.
In 2003, a few Canadian students who are interested in American TV drama, wanted to translate for domestic users to watch, they established the YYeTs, and began to translate "24," "lost", "alias", "Battlestar Galactica" and so on, making the domestic Internet users really come into contact with the American TV drama.
The New York times, which first focused on subtitles, called them "people who break cultural barriers."
Then, YYeTs experienced its heyday, decline and regression.
3.Web-based volunteer based on interest.
Not all knowledge labors strive for a material return, and the group members of the title group are gathering due to interest, gaining emotional satisfaction in the course of free labor, and rewarding them as a return.
(1)Professional members
For translators, CET6 is the minimum threshold, which is mainly to guarantee the quality of translation.
Taking YYeTs open class as an example, it requires not only the ability to translate, but also the higher professional knowledge and localization ability of translators.
However, there is no reward for such high-intensity work. Therefore, the participants themselves have great love and interest in the TV series, and are willing to provide free labor for the subtitle group.
(2)Flexible working hours and space
The development of network technology is free from the limitation of time and space, making remote work possible.
Members of the subtitle group are enthusiasts from all over the world, working together with the help of network technology when there is a task. For subtitle group members, a computer and a smooth network is enough.
At the same time, the subtitle group also follows the "0 day principle", and everyone's film subtitle group has made timely demands on the working time in order to cope with the competition from other subtitle groups.
Like a crowdsourcing the whole work mode, through the Internet to control, volunteers who have professional skills and knowledge, the use spare time in the prescribed time limit to complete subtitle group tasks.
(3)Redefine the value of labor.
The spirit and purpose of the subtitle group is to free, share, exchange and learn, not to make commercial profits with the things produced.
No names, no identity, subtitle group is the very essence of the members of the tag lovers, starting from the translation, subtitle groups provide more possibilities for cross-cultural communication and zero cost sharing model.
The value of labor is no longer simply money, but a share of the same people, an international cultural exchange. Although YYeTs has been hit by its copyright problem, as netizens commented, "Without subtitle groups, we will lose an important channel to communicate directly with the world.”
4.The capitalist exploitation behind crowdsourcing.
With the arrival of information capitalism, more and more online volunteers are the same as subtitle groups. People who are optimistic about their future earnings are more willing to work for their spiritual satisfaction.
The existence of many network volunteers also feeds the development of information capital society.
But as professor Chien-san Feng to this question: The development of information technology provides opportunities for the volunteer knowledge labors, but in this process if the producers will gain experience, or eventually falling into the exploited behind the capital appreciation.
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